5 Editor Favorites for Putting Values Into Action
Activism, Books, Music and Film

Walk in Their Shoes: Can One Person Change the World?
Author Jim Ziolkowski is donating all of his proceeds from this book to buildOn, which organizes after-school programs to support kids in very challenged communities, city environments, and urban high schools across the United States.

The Wakeup.
This interactive, multimedia workshop inspires young people to take meaningful action toward a thriving, just, sustainable world. generationwakingup.org

The Good Life Lab: Radical Experiments in Hands-On Living, by Wendy Jehanara Tremayne.
In The Good Life Lab, part memoir, part DIY manual, Tremayne shares how she and her partner gave up their jobs in New York to unhook from commerce, materialism, and the influences of marketing.

Inspired by the life of Dan Eldon, a photojournalist for Reuters killed in Somalia in 1993, Creative Visions Foundation supports creative activists using media and the arts to make real change in the world around them. creativevisions.org

Find clever uses for what you might otherwise think of as junk at the Repurposed Recycled Reused Reclaimed Restored Facebook page. facebook.com/RepurposedThings
PHOTO CREDIT: Sandra Salamony