5 Favorites to Strengthen All Our Relationships

Expand your family and broaden your perspective of other cultures— and your own—when you invite a teen from another country to live in your home. People who take part in an AFS Intercultural Program gain higher levels of intercultural sensitivity, feel more comfortable around people from foreign cultures, and are more likely to live in diverse neighborhoods. afs.org

“Love is never enough to have a relationship work,” says former divorce attorney Bill Ferguson. “You need to feel love.” Learn how to create the experience of love in all your relationships with his free e-course. masteryoflife.com

Boost your yoga practice with a partner! Designed for two or more people at any level of experience, Principle-Based Partner Yoga integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection and develops trust, compassion, and creativity. Take your practice anywhere with the deeply robust Partner Yoga Touch app. partneryoga.net

In The Civil Conversations Project, On Being’s Krista Tippett interviews thought leaders who are modeling new kinds of conversation and relationships around race, income inequality, and how social change happens. “This is not about being nice or avoiding difference,” says Tippett. “It’s about finding new ways to speak and live together.” onbeing.org/ccp

Four questions from Byron Katie’s The Work launch an inquiry that can transform any stressful relationship. Download the free worksheet at thework.com. Even better, the new Judge-Your- Neighbor Worksheet iPad app lets you record your stressful thoughts and investigate them whenever they might arise. Find it in the iTunes store.