
For Love That Lasts

For Love That Lasts

Couples who have celebrated their golden anniversary share tips for a marriage that goes the distance.

Marriage is good for your health, according to a recent study by the Duke University Medical Center. Research drawn from more than 4,800 participants born during the 1940s found that those who had never married were twice as likely to die in midlife as people who had a long-term partner. But what does it take to sustain a strong, long-lasting marriage, even after the kids are grown and gone? We went to the experts, couples who have celebrated their golden anniversary, to find out.

Family Comes First

“Everything in our marriage has revolved around family and togetherness,” says Herman Solomon, 102, of his 80-year union with Bertie. The couple worked together at a family business and have planned all of their holidays and vacations around their children, grandchildren, and now, great-grandchildren.

Sharing experiences strengthens a marriage and a family, according to Tina B. Tessina, the author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. “Filling up the well of goodwill is what we draw on in the tough times,” she explains. To cope with a job that required frequent moves around the country, John Merrill, married to Bev for 62 years, says his family made a conscious effort to find home and comfort in each other. “Everybody pulled together and got closer, because we needed to,” he recalls.

According to Tessina, discipline can be a point of contention, adding stress to a marriage. Sidney and Dorothy Wasson, married for 75 years, have always tried to present a united front to their three children. “We always seemed to agree when it came to discipline, which has helped to avoid arguments between us,” says Sidney.

Share Heartfelt Communication

It’s not necessarily quantity but quality that counts most when it comes to communication.

Lois Hjelmstand’s husband worked the night shift for 25 years, but they always made time to connect. “We’d grab a half hour here and there when we could,” recalls Lois, married to Les for 65 years. “We’d sit in our chairs in the bedroom and put our feet in the other’s lap before he went to bed. The kids knew this was our quiet time.”

Every couple has a communication pattern, whether conscious or not. “Look at how you greet your mate when they come home,” suggests couples mediator Laurie Puhn, the author of Fight Less, Love More: 5-Minute Conversations to Change Your Relationship without Blowing Up or Giving In. “Do you ask how their day was or whether they remembered to pick up the dry cleaning? These little comments add up one way or another.”

Sometimes, it’s not what you say but how you say it. Bob Bloch has been writing poetry to his wife, Janice, for 65 years. “My straw man says the things that I want to express but can’t,” he admits. “Sometimes I’ll smooth over a disagreement with a poem, or I’ll just tell my wife how much I love her.”

Meet in the Middle

Nina Rieselbach says that she and her husband, Richard, married for 56 years, compromise over everything—from what to eat for dinner to how much time they spend together. “The more you practice negotiation skills, the easier it will be to use them when making difficult decisions,” explains Puhn, who says it’s important to make sure nobody wins or loses. Whenever possible, try to find middle ground.

“Just remember that you’re not always right, and give in a little,” advises Maxine Griffith, 94, married to Pershing for 70 years.

Providing children with good role models for communication is key to developing the trust that keeps a family strong, says Puhn. David and Audrey Knotts, married for 70 years, can testify to this. “Our three kids have always known that they can come to us with anything,” recalls David. “I think that’s partly because they grew up seeing us talking, working things out.”

Maintain a Strong Partnership

According to Tessina, the most powerful thing you can do to keep a marriage strong is to form a partnership. That entails respect, trust, and intimacy. “There’s an art to making your partner feel understood and accepted,” she explains. “Gentle touch, eye contact, a sense of humor, and the right words all create the right atmosphere.”

Lois Hjelmstand’s top priority has always been nurturing that intimacy, which she admits can be hard work. “There are times when we’ve lost our desire for each other, but we just make a date and make it happen,” she says. “We’ve been together for so long that we know how to rekindle the flame.”

The bottom line, according to Ruth Palitz, is enjoying each other in bad and good times and, through it all, being kind to each other. “My husband, Lou, and I have always trusted each other,” she says. “We’ve looked out for each other for 70 years.” And they’re still going strong.

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