Ananda School of Yoga & Meditation
14618 Tyler Foote Rd, Nevada City, California, 95959
[email protected]
We offer high-quality, spiritually-focused professional teacher trainings. Learn to practice and teach a broad spectrum of meditation and yoga techniques that address all levels of being: body, mind and soul. Our trainings are based in the renowned tradition of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi.

program descriptions
Ananda Spiritual Counseling Training (Online)
Apr 6 – May 18, 2022
- $599 – early bird ends Mar 21
- $675 regular price
This training will enhance your interpersonal skills as you learn to listen actively, respond with clarity, and open the doorway for superconscious understanding and solutions. You’ll explore spiritual skills and effective communication principles that will help you guide others to find their own solutions.
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (Online)
Jun 29 – Aug 03, 2022
- $699 – early bird ends Jun 13
- $775 regular price
In today’s fast-paced and over-stimulated culture, more and more yoga students and teachers are turning toward a calming, slowing, and introspective yoga practice. Restorative yoga is the answer! This comprehensive online course will help you gain the knowledge–through experience—of the healing power of restorative yoga!
Living the Bhagavad Gita (Online)
Oct 5 – Nov 19, 2022
- $399 – early bird ends Sept 21
- $450 regular price
This full-immersion program will take you into the teachings of The Bhagavad Gita so you will understand them not only intellectually, but intuitively and practically. You’ll learn how to overcome mental and emotional traps, how to rise above the law of karma, how to create an outer life that feeds your inner life, and much more.
Certification Trainings and Other Programs Available:
- Ananda Meditation Teacher Training
- Ananda Yoga Teacher Training
- Advanced Pranayama
- Asana Intensive for Yoga Teachers
“This course went beyond my expectations. Not only did I learn tools to help others and be of service, but I learned tools I can use to help myself live a life of joy, peace, energetic, and uplifted. I feel like I can face life now with so much more confidence, knowing I have to tools to help myself find solutions and help others find solutions. This class has given me practice and tools to help people help themselves and connect them to their higher power.” —C.F., Bend, OR.