Spirituality and a New God
“We need a new understanding of God that allows us to leave behind the zero-sum and xenophobic ...
“We live in a world with so much division and suffering. Just wishing for a more compassionate world is no longer sufficient. Taking deliberate action to apply compassion that effects change and alleviates suffering is how we can heal this world.”
—James R. Doty, MD | Founder & Director of CCARE at Stanford University
Do you feel a deep calling to make a positive difference in this complex, challenging world? The Applied Compassion Training (ACT) at Stanford University is an 11-month global live online certificate program offered through the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
There’s a crisis of compassion happening in our world today!
The Stanford ACT program is preparing people to be agents of change and compassion within their workplaces, organizations, communities, and personal lives. This unparalleled training will equip you with the skills, knowledge, resources, global network, and expertise needed to apply compassion in all areas of life.
ACT participants have consistently shared that five key components make this training unique and impactful:
At Stanford’s ACT program, the action component of compassion takes center stage! During the program, each participant is mentored through a carefully designed process that empowers them to develop and deliver a compassion project in the world. Every project serves as a tangible manifestation of action, as participants apply compassion to address a specific area of suffering, aiming to create genuine and impactful change.
Compassion projects in ACT come in all shapes and sizes and include things like:
Compassion Toolkits for healthcare practitioners to reduce burnout and increase wellness
Compassionate Leadership Programs to increase trust, collaboration, employee engagement, and business success
Art Installations that evoke compassion towards marginalized groups
Compassion Games for students to reduce anxiety and depression and increase self esteem
ACT follows Stanford's Design School approach which prioritizes experiential learning. This approach recognizes the importance of actively engaging participants in meaningful practices, processes, and experiences that promote direct and embodied learning. Throughout the program, participants are immersed in a highly curated container of compassion, fostering deep engagement with themselves and their peers. This holistic framework ensures a comprehensive and transformative learning experience.
One of the underpinnings of ACT is the supportive individual and group mentorship that each person receives throughout the program. Each participant in ACT has an expert mentor who accompanies them through their ACT journey and supports the development of their project. Participants meet regularly with their mentor for guidance and skillful advice as they design and eventually deliver their compassion project in real-world settings. Each participant is also part of a smaller mentoring group and a mini Capstone Team that meets monthly. These teams engage in an evidence-based method of collaboration and feedback that supports the development of each person’s Compassion Project.
What ACT participants share is a deep desire to grow both personally and professionally and then to use that growth to motivate and inspire the people around them. Through this ripple effect, ACT graduates become known as “Ambassadors of Compassion” and join a growing and diverse global community and inspiring network of ambassadors applying compassion all over the world! Since its inception, close to 500 people from over 40 countries have participated in the ACT program at CCARE Stanford University.
Becoming certified by CCARE Stanford University as a Compassion Leader and Ambassador is an unparalleled opportunity to gain the credibility, influence, evidence-based resources, skills, and confidence you need to make a meaningful difference in the world! If you’re ready to affect real change, consider becoming an Ambassador of Compassion through Stanford’s Applied Compassion Training and see your impact grow!
The Applied Compassion Training is for individuals or groups who are ready to actively apply compassion with the intention to create genuine change and benefit in the lives of people they interact with every day.
Visit www.appliedcompassionacademy.com to learn more.
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