You’ll Celebrate Learning From Our Advertisers About Influencer Marketing
Our aim, every day, is to help readers invest their time well in health and happiness for themselves and those around them, and to help you, our advertisers, invest happily in building your business.
One way we can help you is to relate success stories from which we believe you can learn. Last week, we reported on elements of success in influencer marketing. Here is a real-life example.
Celebrating Almost Two Decades of Success and “Interbeing”

The Celebrant Foundation & Institute launched 20 years ago. Soon after, founder Charlotte Eulette discovered Spirituality & Health.
Here is what she said: “Our organization has advertised in S&H in print and online for over 18 years. What a great cross-pollination exists between our two organizations. It is a testament of our enduring kinship, where Celebrants have become S&H readers, and many S&H readers have also become professional certified Life-Cycle Celebrants®. To our dear friends who make Spirituality & Health magazine so important in all of our lives, we thank you with bells on. The ties that bind us are strong; together, we celebrate and acknowledge our trials, tribulations, and triumphs. We look forward to our future of ‘interbeingness’ for us all to enjoy with gusto.”
Why Spirituality & Health works to recruit Celebrants
Our readers are natural leaders. A natural leader builds their leadership on knowledge and listening, combined with service to those around them. Their service and knowledge makes others want to follow them and gives them the confidence to step forward as formal leaders, as Celebrants, as community leaders, and as professionals.
Last week, we noted that more than 61% of our readers are asked on a monthly basis—or more frequently—for advice on health, food and nutrition, or happiness matters. It is no wonder more than one-third of our survey respondents say they are amateur or professional spiritual leaders or mentors.

Eighteen percent say they are amateur or professional fitness, yoga or tai chi instructors; 9% are amateur or professional spa or wellness owners or workers; and 25% are traditional trained healthcare professionals.
Our Health & Spirituality Survey offers many more helpful nuggets of information. Contact your sales person to learn more.
We Thank & Celebrate Our Sponsors in 2020 to Date:
1440 Multiversity
Alegria Media*
Atlantic University
Avalon Acres
AwesOM Life
Baker Academic
Balboa Press*
The Band of Light
Be Joy
Bolivia Mistica
Celebration Foundation and Institute**
The Center at Mariandale
Center for Contemplative Science & Compassion-Based Ethics
The Center of Renewal
Conscious Dying Institute
Copper Beech Institute*
Creative Write Now**
Dance of the Deer Foundation
Derfla Publishing *
Dream Gates Press
Evolving Wisdom*
The Four Winds Society**
Fulmina Salg*
Growvy Digital*
Haden Institute**
Hibiscus Moon
I Am Heart *
Illuminated Journeys
Intuitive Art Academy**
Intuitive Lifestyle Success
Jack Childs Coaching*
Jackson Hole
James Bala
JJ Martin Studio
Karme Choling Shambhala Meditation Center
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Lisa A Blackman Publishing
Llewellyn Worldwide
Mandala Center
Mary Madeiras
Maui Eco Retreats
Network Tours
New Harbinger Publications
New World Library
Nine Gates Mystery School
Omega Institute
Omra Infinite
Outskirts Press
Pacifica Graduate Institute**
Parmarth Niketan Ashram
Penguin Random House*
Primal Spirit Foods
Readings with Michelle
Roadside Attractions**
Ruth Walker
Sandra Johnson
Self Realization Fellowship
Seven Oaks Retreat Center
Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat
Sounds True & Sounds True Events**
STRAT Advertising
Sun Valley Events
Sura Flow*
Tammy Adams
Tergar International**
Terry L. Newbegin
Tyndale House**
Unity School of Christianity
Vedika Global*
Westwood Books Publishing
*Online only advertisers
** Online and print advertisers
Planning Ahead
Here is a quick reminder of the print schedule and associated deadlines:
September/October issue
Special focus: Books We Love
Advertising closing: July 3
On sale: Aug. 25
November/December issue
Special focus: Holiday Gift Guide and Encore Careers
Advertising closing: Sept. 4
On sale: Oct. 27
Contact us to develop a marketing plan you’ll want to celebrate.
Ann Reed: [email protected]
Tabetha Reed: [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: [email protected]