Does Thankfulness Beget Happiness?
We Can’t Do Without Advertisers
To our advertisers in the past two months, including those now appearing in the November-December issue, we thank you. It’s not hard for us to feel thankful because we know you have many choices of where to make your marketing investments. The fact that you choose Spirituality & Health is deeply appreciated.

While we’re feeling thankful, here’s an excerpt of a piece on the power and science of thankfulness from the New Year issue 2002:
Grateful Heart, Healthy Heart
Gratitude seems to affect physical health. Rollin McCraty and his colleagues at the HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek, California, have found that consciously experiencing appreciation increases parasympathetic activity, a change thought to be beneficial in controlling stress and hypertension (click on "Read more" at the end of this article). Research at the University of Pittsburgh found that heart-transplant recipients who practiced thankfulness and appreciation as aspects of their religious faith felt better and had fewer difficulties with diet and medications one year after the operation. In the famous "nun study," University of Kentucky researchers analyzed the emotional content in autobiographies from 180 Roman Catholic nuns at age 22. Six decades later, the ones most likely to still be alive were the ones who expressed the most positive emotions (gratitude, contentment, hope, etc.). In fact, they found nearly a seven-year difference in longevity between the happiest and the least happy nuns. (read the whole piece here)
Thank you again to these advertisers:
Anam Hara Training
Ancient Nutrition
Avalon Acres, Inc. dba Arise & Shine
AwesOM Life
Braeburn Croft (Renee Carrier)
Celebrant Foundation*
Compass Rose*
Dance of the Deer
EnergyTouch Inc.
Earlham School of Religion
Flax4 Life
Four Winds Society
Gena Davis
Haden Institute*
Heather Mickley Consulting
Inner Peace Music
Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching
Internal Journeys
Intervarsity Press
Intuitive Art*
Jill Angelo Creative Resourcer
John Russell
Meaning to Pause
Myra Goodman
New Harbinger
New World Library
Nine Gates Mystery School*
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Patricia Bragg Books*
Primal Spirit Foods
Quicksilver Scientific
The New School of Positive Psychology
Self Realization Fellowship
Serenity Association*
Serenity Mountain Foods
Sounds True
United Palace of Spiritual Arts
Unity School of Christianity
We'Moon (Mother Tongue Ink)
We are happy people because we are grateful, and we’re grateful because you’ve helped make us happy.
We’ll be even more thankful when you reach out to us to discuss how we can help you achieve a successful 2021!
Gratefully yours,
Ann Reed: [email protected]
Tabetha Reed: [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: Peter Lymbertos: [email protected]