How to Market Spiritual and Health Retreats Under Covid
Two-for-One offer for Retreat Marketers
The Spirituality & Health Retreat Guide has been a favorite feature of our January-February issue for some years. It is no wonder, since Spirituality & Health readers are dedicated to investing in themselves with attending retreats, conferences and natural health and spiritual travel. More than a quarter of S&H readers tell us they invest in attending a retreat at least once a year, and 10% say they do so more than once a year.

This year we are making retreat planning better than ever.
To help readers, some of whom may be waiting for more clarity and safety in travel planning, the Retreat Guide 2021 will be extended over two issues.
- Part-one of the Retreat Guide section will be published in the 2021 January/February issue. We'll share alternatives to traveling to physical retreats and focus on how one safely "retreats" during a pandemic - whether that's creating sacred space in our homes, participating in an online workshop or class, learning new forms of meditation, practicing yoga in the great outdoors or the many other creative ways we've found to deepen our spirituality and strengthen our wellbeing.
- March/April will offer part-two of the special Retreat Guide section. We'll explore the answers to questions such as, "What will retreats look like in the future? What will emerge from the pandemic? How can our readers start creating a retreat plan they can look forward to that is safe and viable?"
Because so many natural health or spiritual retreat shoppers search the internet to make retreat plans, Spirituality & Health will be build a robust landing page, offering PDF copies of the print Retreat Guide to those who sign-up with an email address. Full page advertisers will have the opportunity to provide a custom email message to be automatically sent to new Retreat Guide requestors shortly after they down load the Retreat Guide.
Our readers love the benefits associated with travel and retreating. They will be looking for guidance and leadership from Spirituality & Health. We invite you to help them find the answers by sharing your advertising message in this special two-part series. Contact your sales person for the special buy-one-get-one free offer - we're making it easy for you be there when our readers need you.
Let us help you successfully attack the retreat market.
Ann Reed 231-218-2157 [email protected]
Tabatha Reed 231-492-4116 [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: (818) 624-6254 [email protected]