Home-Retreat-Sampling to Spark Change Now
Category Exclusive Opportunity for Marketing Innovation
Despite the growth of digital marketing for the last 20 years, the importance of in-person-events never wavered. Because sampling the taste or feel of a product could not be attached to an email or delivered on a web page, in person events became extra important for sampling. But the pandemic has changed everything. So Spirituality & Health is innovating to help you achieve sampling for your natually healthy food and beverage, skin-care, CBD, or other personal care product.
Travel for spiritual renewal, attending retreats and conferences, has long been an important part of the lifestyle of spiritually minded leaders who are always exploring new and better ways to live happy, healthy, lives. Now, many are replacing their annual spiritual retreat with an at-home retreat, creating a special calm and rejuvenating space at home and bring the inspirational messages in via digital means.
To support our advertisers and our retreat-at-home readers Spirituality & Health announces a special, category exclusive, Retreat At Home Sample Drawing and Special Offer Sample Box in the January-February 2021 issue with a robust digital component. Advertisers who wish to participate in the sampling opportunity for a fee of $1,000 to be featured in the full-color 2-page spread advertising this offer will supply 100 samples: Fifty samples will be awarded and shipped based on a drawing among readers who register online. Fifty samples will be offered for purchase on an “I Can’t Wait, Buy-Now” button on the online registration page. Here are rough examples.
Home Retreat Sample Box; Full Color Spread in Spirituality & Health Mockup for Jan-Feb 2020 issue:

Home Retreat Sample Box; Drawing - Internet Landing Page Mockup:

We are inspired to help you reach market influencers with sampling to make their at-home-retreat a success.
We invite you to sample this new advertising opportunity. Categories are exclusive, so contact us ASAP to make a commitment.
Ann Reed 231-218-2157 [email protected]
Tabatha Reed 231-492-4116 [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: (818) 624-6254 [email protected]
P.S. For more inspiration on how to spark change, we recommend this online exposition from the Natural Products Expo: https://sparkchangenow.com.