What Comes First? Inspiration or Education?
Inspiration, Information, Education
Education can be inspiring. But it is often the inspiration of a magazine article, a friend, or a public example that inspires a person to seek a change in their own career.
That is why Spirituality & Health is announcing “Find Your Calling” a complete marketing program for career-education marketers seeking to inspire and attract people looking to change their career in the service of others.

Inspiration to Change
Why do successful people decide to change their career? Some see years of the same job ahead and find it uninspiring. Some see another person in another career and think “I would be good at that.” Some start out volunteering and realize that with more education or the right tools they can make a career out of a passion. In all cases, inspiration is the starting point of changing one’s life. Spirituality & Health has been inspiring readers in print and online for decades to make a difference with their lives; to help people be healthier, happier, and more centered in their life.
Information to Find Your Calling
Whether it is a career in health-caring, or spiritual-caring, or turning a hobby or passion into a career, information is an important steppingstone. What education does a person need to become a healthcare provider like they envision? What resources do they need to start a small business as a counselor or provider of inspiration or classes or caring or companionship? Spirituality & Health can help readers find their calling AND find the steps toward change.
Connections to Education Resources
There are so many organizations in the market eager to take money from career changers, how can readers find the right education resources to make their life change? Spirituality & Health will help those seekers find the right class, program, coaching, or certification to move confidently forward on the path to their calling.
The Elements of the Program:
- 4 Pages (2x per year) of Original Content on Inspiring Your Calling
- Advertiser Full pages or bargain priced 2-page spreads in the special section: “Find Your Calling”
- Editorial Emails driving traffic to online content
- Custom Advertiser Email Blast
- Social Media Posts
(bold) Information:
- “Find Your Calling” Landing Page: with partner content
- Sponsorship of “Find Your Calling” landing page: banners 970 x 250 and 728 x 90
- “Find Your Calling”: Quiz
- Links to archival Spirituality & Health “encore career” content
(bold) Education:
“Find Your Calling” advertiser directory listing for 1 year
Launch date: July 1st
Reservation deadline: May 26th
Help us help you find your new source of career-changers.
Ann Reed: [email protected]
Tabetha Reed: [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: [email protected]