Growing Health & Spirituality Market Opportunity for Marketers
Our goal is to serve a community of marketers in the LOHAS market by providing insight, communicating our plans for Spirituality & Health, and connecting with our partners and advertisers.
In a marketplace so big, literally trillions of spending, including everything from socially responsible investing to organic food to ecotourism, how do marketers become successful? And how does spirituality fit into the market for healthy and sustainable lifestyles?
We were intrigued when we read about how spirituality is changing in America.
How Fast is Your Market Growing?
Two thirds of adult Americans say they are spiritual, with the portion who say they are spiritual but not religious rising from 19% to 27% from 2012 to 2017*. That is 67 million potential readers and customers who say they are spiritual but not religious. The age group showing the fastest growth in nonreligious spirituality is the big-spending younger generations in the 30-49 age range. Thirty-two percent of US adults with some college or a college degree say they are spiritual but not religious, growing from 23% five years ago among college-educated adults and from 20% among those with some college education.
These consumers are building new habits for spirituality and health with their lifestyle choices that can benefit marketers for decades. This shift is reflected in the 2018 survey finding that 70% of consumers**, up 10 percentage points from 2016, will pay premium prices for natural, ethical, enhanced, or “less of …” foods.
The intersection of these demographic and psychographic segments is your market: 70% of the 67 million Americans who say they are health oriented will pay more for ethical, enhanced foods and experiences. That's more than 46 million customers in the US alone.
Connect with your Spirituality & Health sales executive to learn more about how we can help you sell more to your market.
Ann Reed
Tabatha Reed
Peter Lymbertos