Calm in Times of Trouble
We at Spirituality & Health want to take a moment off of our busy-with-business style for this weekly email to pause and acknowledge the real pain, and the psychic pain and worry that so many are feeling, and remind ourselves, and you, that the reason we do the business thing is so we can do the content and caring thing.

If you want more inspirational and calming thoughts in small bites subscribe to our Instagram feed spirithealthmag.
One easy place to start improving your mind-body connection is with our podcasts: There are already four ‘parts’ to the Rabbi Rami “Spirituality in the Time of Crornavirus” they are all here:
Song is always a great way to settle, and to hear and feel: and
If you find yourself irritable too often, like we do, here are some ideas to address stress and anxiety:
Finally, a poem for George Floyd and our Community:

Thank you for being a part of the Spirituality & Health community.
Ann Reed: [email protected]
Tabetha Reed: [email protected]
Peter Lymbertos: [email protected]