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Media Kit

2025 Media Kit SH Cover

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Spirituality & Health®: A Unity Publication draws from the wisdom of many traditions and cultures with an emphasis on spiritual beliefs and practices that can be applied to our everyday lives. We look to science to help provide a context for the spiritual quest, and we explore healing modalities that enhance the health of our bodies, minds, communities, and the earth that supports us. In our language the words whole, health, and holy share a common root.

Topics included under the umbrella of health and spirituality can include:

  • Faith, interfaith philosophy, meditation, prayer, and spiritual principles

  • Nutrition, wellness, yoga, and holistic medicine

  • Creativity, the inner life, social justice, and issues of conscience

  • Public health, the human body, and the environment

Who We Reach


Spirituality & Health Magazine Readership100,000+ Page Views Per Month225,000+
Weekly Podcast Listeners6,300
Newsletter subscribers100,000+
Facebook fans301,000+
Twitter followers30,000+
Pinterest followers7,100+

Reader Profile

Gender - female/male75% / 25%
Average age56 years
Average household income$82,000
College degree or higher80%
They Live A Healthy Lifestyle:
Purchased vitamins, minerals, herbals or supplements in the last 12 months96%
Follow regular exercise routine70%
Are vegan, vegetarian, or semi-vegetarian50%
Visit spas and retreat centers30%
Attend self-improvement retreats29%
Topics They're Most Interested In:
Healthy Eating79%
They read voraciously. Average number of books purchased in the past 12 months11

Digital Audience Profile

Audience72% F / 28% M
Average Age35-54
Household Income48% at $60,000+
College degree or higher74% Page Views Per Month225,000+
Newsletter subscribers100,000+
Facebook fans301,000+
Twitter followers30,000+
Pinterest followers7,100+