What the Lunar Eclipse Means for Your Zodiac Sign
Discover how your zodiac sign is affected by the final lunar eclipse of the year.
“He has what?” I asked. Our veterinarian gently repeated, “The tests suggest Buba-ji may be experiencing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, also known as HCM.”
My heart fell. My stomach churned. I was not ready to consider the loss of our beloved feline roommate. Yet it seemed we soon were going to have to navigate some difficult decisions. The veterinarian provided a list of options to consider.
While conventional veterinary medicine would be one part of our health intervention, I also thought about holistic modalities for dealing with pain, such as pet acupuncture and massage. I considered what I could do inside our home to help keep Buba-ji comfortable through discomfort, such as using flower essences in his water and offering him lots of his favorite treats.
From a spiritual perspective, it was time to ponder what practices we might engage in. I landed on the WTF Prayer for my own emotions, as well as other kinds of prayers for animals.
Then I pulled out all the stops: Was it time to start reciting mantras? It couldn’t hurt, right?
Mantras are spiritual phrases and sounds that can be used to create a calm and healing environment. Drawn from various traditions, mantras are believed to promote peace, reduce stress, and aid in the body’s healing process. According to practitioners, the effects of sounds uttered from your mouth extend far beyond any literal interpretation of the words you may be reciting, chanting, or singing.
1. Om Mani Padme Hum
One of the most well-known mantras in Buddhism, these sacred words—found in the fifth-century text Kāraṇḍavyūhasūtra—are associated with compassion and healing. Translating roughly to “I am the jewel in the lotus” or “the jewel is in the lotus,” this mantra invokes the blessings of the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteśhvara. Chanting these words in your pet’s presence may calm their mind and promote emotional healing, particularly when they are anxious, sick, or in need of comfort. This mantra is also spiritually associated with rebirth in the Buddhist land of bliss. Hear it here.
2. Om Shri Dhanvantre Namaha
This mantra is dedicated to Dhanvantari, a sacred physician of the divine beings: “Salutations to the celestial healer, Dhanvantari.” For those engaged in the path of Sanātana Dharma (the ethical guidelines of Hinduism), this sacred healer is often envisioned as having four arms, one of which holds an elixir of immortality. Chanting this phrase while preparing food is said to infuse it with vibrations that can address disease. By repeating this phrase in an animal’s presence, you seek to invoke divine healing energies on their behalf. Hear it here.
3. Om Ami Dewa Hrīḥ (Oṃ Amideva Hrīḥ)
Also known as the Amitābha Mantra in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, these words bring with them the power of the Buddha of infinite light and life who dwells in the realm of bliss. Images of Amitābha show him seated on a beautiful lotus throne along with his sacred animal companion, the peacock. Chanting this phrase is said to bless a sentient being with safety and peace while protecting them from harm. Further, this mantra liberates those who transition from life, taking them to that realm of bliss. Hear it here.
Mantras can create a powerful, healing atmosphere for our animal companions, providing them comfort and emotional support during times of illness or distress. What’s more, spiritual chanting, when done with care and thoughtfulness, can foster a loving and harmonious environment that encourages you to attend to your own human well-being as well.
Want more practices for encouraging animal thriving? Read “An Animal Blessing for All Creatures.”
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