An Imbolc Fire Ritual
Honor the pagan festival of Imbolc with a simple ritual designed to release the heaviness of ...
If you’re feeling drained and down in the dumps, Jade invites you on a magical walk through an enchanted forest. This gorgeous green crystal has been cherished since ancient times for its mystical healing properties. Give your inner Goddess a chance for a rebirth and renewal by connecting with the “stone of eternal youth.”
When meditating with a Jade crystal, you can feel your stress melt away as you envision yourself stepping into a fairy-tale forest full of lush green ferns and soft springy moss. With each step you take, your inner Goddess feels refreshed and rejuvenated. Give yourself the chance to leave the worries of this mundane world behind and let your spirit run free while you replenish your energy levels. Your inner Goddess knows that the best way to detox your body and mind is to reconnect with Mother Nature’s nourishing and healing energy. In her loving embrace, you can let your guard down and forget all your troubles by focusing on the present moment and imagining yourself breathing in the sweet scent of flowers in full bloom.
Jade will help you regain your sense of inner peace and balance. This ancient healing stone has a powerful earth connection, and that is why it is one of the best crystals for grounding and centering your energy. It is believed that Jade will bring you good fortune and surround your aura with an impenetrable shield of protection. If you’re going through a period of rapid change and transformation, Jade will help you adapt to new beginnings and release anything that is no longer serving you. Jade encourages you to be brave in the face of challenges and hardships while filling you with the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles and move forward with your life.
If you are suffering from heartbreak or the loss of a loved one, Jade will help to heal your heart and ease the grieving process. Allow this mesmerizing green crystal to connect you with your inner Goddess, who wants you to live your life to the fullest and experience the joy and bliss of love once again. With the help of Jade, you are ready to leave your past behind and make a fresh start.
• Sit comfortably in a quiet space and light a candle. Relax your body and mind by breathing deeply in and out at least three times.
• Take a Jade and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize that you are walking on a path through an enchanted forest. Feel the warmth of the sunlight filtering through the trees and the soft green moss under your bare feet. Smell the sweet scent of flowers filling the air. Imagine the relaxing sound of birdsong and allow a sense of bliss and tranquility to take over. Stay in this meditative state for as long as you feel like.
• Open your eyes and repeat the following affirmation three times: I feel relaxed and rejuvenated, as each cell of my body is filled with fresh energy and purified.
Feel the presence of your guardian angel while you gaze at the snow-white hues of this crystal. No matter what challenges you’re facing in your life, Scolecite reminds you that you are always protected and supported by celestial beings who are guiding you on your life path.
The subtle, serene vibrations of Scolecite help you regain your peace of mind when you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed due to circumstances outside of your control. This crystal guides you towards compassion and self-acceptance, even when your mind is haunted by ghosts from your past. Scolecite inspires you to connect with your own divine essence and to achieve a higher state of awareness. Always remember that at the core of your being is a peaceful sanctuary where you can always find refuge from the raging storms of the outside world.
Scolecite helps you accept a difficult situation without sugarcoating it. This crystal guides you to make peace with the here and now, even if your mind struggles to accept what has happened. By connecting you with the divine Goddess within you, Scolecite encourages you to honor your truth and to stand up for what you believe in. Your inner Goddess wants you to protect your inner peace by removing yourself from toxic situations and allowing yourself time to heal. She reminds you to have faith in your connection to the divine, for this is your true source of strength when times get tough. If you believe that you are divine and that nothing or no one can ever truly harm you since your soul is eternal and pure, you will awaken to a whole new realization of your own power.
No matter whether you believe in angels or not, Scolecite helps you tune into the higher vibrations of unconditional love and receive messages and insights from the spiritual dimensions. Allow its subtle energy to purify your mind and fill you with hope while guiding you to live a life that is aligned with your soul path; one that is full of miracles both big and small.
• Hold Scolecite in your hands and focus on the serene energy of the crystal.
• Set an intention for your crystal by saying the following out loud or silently in your mind: Dear Scolecite, please help me accept what I cannot change and restore my faith in life. Thank you!
• After that, place your Scolecite somewhere in your bedroom, since you are more receptive to higher energies and messages from your spirit guides while you are sleeping.
Adapted and excerpted from Crystals for Your Inner Goddess by Elina Allais. Used with permission from O-Books.
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