Whether you want to start a practice or build on foundations you already have, these books provide ways to deepen the experience.

Breathe, Mama, Breathe
5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms
By Shonda Moralis
The author is a psychotherapist who specializes in stress-related disorders and mindfulness-based therapies. Rather than suggesting trying to carve out more time, she shows daily quick opportunities for mindfulness. THE EXPERIMENT

Mindfulness for Beginners
Reclaiming the Present Moment— and Your Life
By Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD
This author was at the forefront of convincing Western medicine there is a benefit to mindfulness and has penned several best-selling books. This one comes with a CD of five guided meditations that inspired the work. SOUNDS TRUE

A Life Less Throwaway
The Lost Art of Buying for Life
By Tara Button
The CEO and founder of BuyMeOnce, an online shop dedicated to finding durable products that wouldn’t wind up in landfills, Tara Button shares tips on mindful curation. TEN SPEED PRESS

Mindful Crafting
The Maker’s Creative Journey
By Sarah Samuel
There are plenty of DIY books out there; this takes a deeper approach, exploring how, in an era of mass consumerism, crafting is an expression of conscious living and our true purpose. LEAPING HARE PRESS

How to Meditate
A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind
By Pema Chödrön
Buddhist nun, teacher, and author Pema Chödrön has inspired millions with her messages of peace and compassion. This book contains the essentials for a lifelong practice of meditation. SOUNDS TRUE

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
How to Be Calm and Mindful in a Fast-Paced World
By Haemin Sunim
More than 3 million copies of this book, by renowned Buddhist teacher Haemin Sunim, have been sold. He focuses on eight areas, including relationships, love, and spirituality. PENGUIN

Pause Breathe Smile
Awakening Mindfulness When Meditation Is Not Enough
By Gary Gach
Gach urges us to shift out of an “autopilot setting” on life, drawing on his 50-plus years of experience as Buddhist practitioner and meditation teacher. SOUNDS TRUE

Into Nature
A Creative Field Guide and Journal
By Alexandra Frey and Autumn Totton
Founders of the Mindfulness Project share activities for cultivating your calm while also exploring in nature. THE EXPERIMENT

The Practice of Mindful Yoga
A Connected Path to Awareness
By Hannah Moss
Moss explores how mindfulness is the basic foundation for a yoga practice, and how to live in a more mindful way, whether on the yoga mat or off. LEAPING HARE PRESS

Somatic Practices for Presence, Empowerment, and Waking Up in This Life
By Christine Caldwell
Caldwell introduces the importance of somatic awareness and movement as a companion to sitting practice, using the body to help literally and metaphorically awaken us. SHAMBHALA PUBLICATIONS